Winter in the Wildlife Friendly Garden
FRIDAY 21ST JANUARY 2022 7:30pm - 9pm. Forncett Village Hall
We had a good turnout for ‘The Wildlife Friendly Garden in Winter’ last night.
Three of the steering group gave short talks about Habitats, Birds and Berries, and Plants for Seedheads, with the common theme of providing shelter and sustenance for wildlife during the colder months. The really nice thing about the evening was the discussion and sharing that followed; we are getting to know each other better and there was a feeling of common purpose and growing friendships. Thank you everyone for your contributions.
We welcomed our visitor, Andy Jarrett (Chet Valley B-Line contact) who had made a long journey on the dark frosty evening to cheer us on our way and to say a few words about his own wildlife patch. He was most inspiring and very knowledgeable. He was impressed by our group and wants to keep in touch.
We were also pleased to meet a few new and keen supporters, including Simon & Sarah Attwood, who have recently moved to the area. Simon, who is a conservationist by profession, reminded us of the importance of observation and keeping simple records. It’s the annual RSPB garden bird survey next weekend so if you haven’t ever taken part in this, perhaps you could give it a go this year. It’s great for youngsters to do with you too.
For details see
Forncett Nature Matters welcomes you to an informal occasion where we can get to know each other and exchange ideas.Some of the steering group will introduce a few topics to get us started, and then we’ll open up for discussion/questions. Below is a photo that one of us plans to talk about.

It would also be great if any of you could look around your garden and bring something of winter interest beneficial to wildlife, to share or ask about. An early flower? Some berries? Whatever takes your fancy. Or bring any question that someone might be able to answer for you. Or something to identify. Remember we have a few experts and specialists as supporters.
Also, suggestions about subjects and activities we could cover in future would be well received.
Village Hall Covid protocol will be observed so please bring your mask.
Light refreshments provided.
Entry is free, though if you are able to make a small cash donation to help us cover the cost of hall hire it will be gratefully received.
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