Forncett Flyer 2011


Forncett Flyer December 2011
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Merry Christmas to you all

Full to bursting again! Just like Christmas stockings in a few weeks. The editors of the Forncett Flyer would like to wish all our readers a very happy and satisfying Christmas, with plenty of events to amuse and entertain you in the diary column on the front page. We would like to thank all who have contributed to this newsletter over the past year, including the Parish Council and our advertisers who keep us financially afloat: also the team of people who faithfully deliver each edition whatever the weather; well done!    

Please note change of email for your parish clerk:

Forncett Flyer November 2011
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This month we have someone very famous* on the front cover, and she is sitting pretty on Alan Gray’s lap. Forncett School’s European Day gets full coverage with two lovely photos of the goings-on, and as usual the ‘Forthcoming’ page has events to please all, from coffee mornings, to ‘Getting the best from your vegetable patch.’ Bob McClenning makes an appeal for fellow thespians, and there’s a petition to sign to help stop thefts from church roofs.

Ethel Coleman writes about the sad passing of Sylvia Holmes, and Suzanna Averill gives us an insight into the character of this lovely and popular lady who will be greatly missed. The back page contains details of the recent Gardeners’ Question Time evening at the Village Hall, with a delightful photo of Sarah House hiding behind a pot plant.
* Her name is Pepperpot.

NB. In our haste to pull everything together to get to the publishers on time, we neglected to include Anne Hardestey’s name in the piece about the Harvest Supper, on page 12. Anne worked hard on preparations for the supper (as did all the ladies) and also provided a delicious desert for the diners to enjoy. Without all these ladies the Supper would simply not go ahead, and they earn our respect and genuine admiration.

Forncett Flyer October 2011
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Well your two months is up, and we are back with you again: our summer events are all here in pictures (except the one of me climbing a scaffold tower to clean out the gutters – what did you spend the summer doing?). Thirty two individuals have contributed to this edition with photographs and text, and I think that may be a record. There is so much going on in Forncett and in neighbouring parishes that the ‘Forthcoming events’ item usually found on page 4 has ballooned into a two page insert that you can pin up somewhere so you don't miss anything – there is even a little space for you to make notes. On page 12 you will find the longest carrot produced in Forncett, and there are some beautiful photographs by Andrew Coleman of flower arrangements (on page 2) together with a report on the past few months at Forncett Church.

There are no letters though.

Our new weatherman tells us what the rainfall has been like (wet) on page 4, and good old Ron has managed to unearth a photo of the Nissen hut in Hapton.


Forncett Flyer August 2011
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This edition of the Forncett Flyer is to last you two months as the editorial team take a well-earned break, and I get to spend more time at my allotment. Sadly the picture on page 11 is not of my plot: mine is not anywhere near as neat and tidy. The allotment water supply is imminent – at last, thanks to Waitrose’s green disc scheme for supporting local enterprises (and a bit of our own fundraising). Ironically, parts of Forncett End may lose their water (temporarily) as Anglian Water start work on the leaky old mains pipes.

We have included a story involving Basil, Alison, Chico and some wasps on page 2; and there are more animals on the back page, together with news of an owl baby on page 11. Our local licensed club – the Tas Well Social Club – outlines its plans for the rest of the year, and the now famous (?) Railway Ron continues his story with the war years at Forncett station.

We will see you at the beginning of October. If you want to be included on the E-Notice Board, email and you will receive news of anything interesting that crops up in the interim.

Forncett Flyer July 2011
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Because of all the photographs, this month’s issue will take a bit longer to download, so make a cup of coffee and read this while you wait!

Seriously - we have 29 super colour pictures and numerous others on the black and white pages (printed version). It feels like only yesterday when having a colour picture on the front of the Village Plan questionnaire (2005/6) involved ‘getting a plate made’ and paying £200 extra. Long live digital! I particularly like the proms photo on the back page, full of life and movement. Also no less than 25 different people have contributed copy and photos for this issue, which is a remarkable number – keep it coming! The Garden Club have been out and about enjoying the summer with their trips and feasts, and of course the annual fete brought hundreds of you together to enjoy the rain! The Flower Festival in the Methodist Church was one of the best I have ever seen, and photos cannot do justice to the arrangements that covered every surface.

Well, it should have downloaded by now, so enjoy!

Forncett Flyer June 2011
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It’s early summer and the outdoor events are beginning to increase in number: we have photos of the Auto Jumble at the Steam Museum, and of the beautiful Flower festival at Tacolneston Church, and the forthcoming page is bursting with news of a Proms concert, Thomas the Tank engine, coffee mornings, and a trip to a garden. Both Forncett and Tacolneston have a fete coming up – but not on the same day! The Parish Council has had a re-shuffle and Bob McClenning is back in his role as ‘fully recycled District Councillor’ (his words, not mine). Railway Ron is on the next generation of the Reynolds family, and Dr Willis (demoted to page 6 for lateness in submitting his report) is reminding us not to waste surgery time by making appointments and then not showing up. Quite right too.

I would say ‘do have a lovely summer’ but speaking as an allotmenteer, I WISH IT WOULD RAIN A BIT.

Forncett Flyer May 2011
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Head teacher Judith Jones is our cover girl this month clad in an appropriate spring-green rainproof coat. Dr Willis blows his trumpet on page 3, and on page 4 there is a last call for the auto jumble (bits and pieces for cars) at Forncett St Mary church. There are photos in abundance on the last two pages, of goings-on round the back of the Village Hall - and elsewhere. Sheep are seen wandering, and there is a scoop picture of Kate and William sitting on their thrones.

Bert Rhodes is remembered with great fondness; and there is also an obituary of Geoffrey Squire who – despite being distinguished in his field – tucked himself away in Forncett End.

Forncett Flyer April 2011
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Spring is sprung; at last! This month we have reports of a very successful World Book Night at the Village Hall, and the subsequent start of a new book swap evening. The recent Ceilidh is featured with photos of one and all leaping about with abandon. There is a new priest – Andrew - to welcome, and lots of news from neighbouring parishes. The plans for the auto jumble at the steam museum are well underway, as are the arrangements for a hog roast, beer festival, fete and coach trip: Forncett is the place to be this year; evidently.

Forncett Flyer March 2011
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How I get all the news and forthcoming attractions into 12 pages, I do not know; but it’s all here. Not one but two quizzes; one by the allotmenteers, and one in aid of Little Tractors playgroup. Beyond the Parish boundary on page 5welcomes ‘Tibenham Tidings’, ‘Bunwell Bulletin’ and ‘Wednesday afternoon W.I.’ The kids have taken over the school report, where Owain, Felix and Jake entertain us with football news. For those of you who love reading, see page 4 for an item about World Book Night, and your chance to get a free book.

There is also a word about the very sad death of Hedley Smith, with an appreciation by Bob McClenning; Hedley will be much missed by a large number of people, including me.

Forncett Flyer February 2011
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As the snowdrops announce the start of spring, we have one last look at the Christmas and New Year’s celebrations in Forncett: the Diggers & Dibblers quiz, Carol singing, Santa at the Village Hall and finally the New Year’s Day walk. Also there is the new exciting layout for the planned development on the Old Sale Yard; news of World Book Night with the possibility of having 48 new books to give away. There is the start up of a new Friends of St Edmunds church group; and pictures of the first new games night at the Tas Well. Otters in Forncett? Check out page 9 for news of them.
And if it’s not too late; Happy New Year to you all.