Forncett St Edmund’s Third Summer Fête (2013) - with music - a great success
Photo: John Webster
We are delighted to report an excellent fête appropriately celebrating the new roof. Rather changeable weather on the Friday gave way to breezy conditions on the day and lots of sunshine to encourage a steady stream of visitors throughout the day and a renewed impetus for the evening’s gig by ‘MODE’, led by Elliot and lead singer Jo. The group was much appreciated by the large crowd, many with families, the children cavorting and strutting to the beat of the music.
The success of the event was due to the enormous effort put in by the committee (Margaret, Barry, Dick, Jasmine, Brian and Anne, Jackie, John) and loyal helpers (Quinton, Philip, Paul and many others, including Jayne and Richard). We thank them all most warmly for their time and commitment.
Another aspect of the fête was the display of the plans for the New Project (the installation of essential services!), which aroused considerable interest. This will however only be pushed forward by establishing an official, properly constituted ‘Friends Group’, otherwise community funding will not be accessible. The display remains in the church for viewing in the immediate future if readers wish to view it. Please come and look. We also need feedback!
PS Why not 'ride and stride' for Forncett St Edmund on 14 September Norfolk Churches Trust Charity Sponsored Cycle Ride & Walk!