Parish Council Meeting of 17th July 2014
The Parish Council meeting on 17th July 2014 was attended by Councillors Brian Frith, Beverley Humphreys, David Peacock, Claire Jordan, Jackie Bowers and Gilly Barnes. Also present were five members of the public and South Norfolk Councillor Bob McClenning.
Some of the main items discussed at the meeting are mentioned here. Full minutes of the meeting will be available here when published - in draft form until agreed by the Council at the next meeting (18th September 2014).
At the start of the meeting Chairman Brian Frith paid tribute to three very significant achievements within recent weeks:
- The very successful Village Fete which, despite an enforced curtailment due to the rain, raised almost as much as last year for the School, Playgroup and Village Hall
- The School's 'Outstanding' OFSTED rating following their recent inspection
- The Forncett Flyers Games Team 'Overall Winners' Award in the Norfolk Village Games Final at UEA on July 13th
Congratulations and thanks were given to all involved in any way.
There were no new planning applications to be discussed.
Keith Fromings reported on progress with the Defibrillator project and it was agreed that the Parish Council would match the amount of any fundraising total from the Community to try to ensure a successful outcome for the project. Claire Jordan agreed to be the Parish Council rep on the project group. Please see the article in the August 2014 issue of 'The Flyer' about the scheme and giving information on how residents and businesses can contribute.
Concern was expressed that the request for a speed limit on Station Road (around the former CPS site) has been turned down by Norfolk Highways with, apparently, very little investigation. Members of the Parish Council have proposed this limit on previous occasions without success and were unanimous in their feeling that it is now essential in view of the new development taking place in the area. A letter is to be written to the Chief Executive of Norfolk County Council expressing our concern that the matter had been dealt with very hastily and with no involvement (or even notification) of the Parish Council.
Several complaints have been received about overhanging and encroaching trees, hedges and other vegetation. Quite apart from the inconvenience to pedestrians when this happens, it can also be traffic hazard and it is the responsibility of the householder / landowner to ensure that their property does not interfere with the 'Highway' - be it road, pavement or footpath. Please look at your boundary from the point of view of the pedestrian or road user and keep it trimmed.
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on Thursday 18th September 2014 starting at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. The agenda will be published about a week before the meeting, but if you have any matters to bring to the attention of the Parish Council in the meantime, please contact the clerk, Anne Rayner, on 01508 570700 or by email .