Parish Council Meeting of 20th June 2013

Written by Brian Frith.

The Parish Council meeting on 20th June was attended by Councillors Brian Frith, Beverley Humphreys, Claire Jordan, Jackie Bowers, Gillian Barnes and Terry Henderson. Also present were County Councillor Bev Spratt, District Councillor Bob McClenning and 5 members of the public. Apologies were received from Councillor David Peacock. 

Some of the main items discussed at the meeting mentioned here. Full minutes of the meeting will be available here - in draft form until agreed by the Council at the next meeting (18th July). 

Parish Council Meeting of 16th May 2013

Written by Brian Frith.

The Parish Council meeting on 16th May was preceded by the Annual Open Parish Meeting, starting at 7 pm. Present at the meeting were Councillors Brian Frith, Beverley Humphreys, Claire Jordan, Jackie Bowers, Gillian Barnes and David Peacock. Also present were County Councillor Bev Spratt (for part of meeting), District Councillor Bob McClenning (for part of the meeting) and 13 members of the public. Apologies were received from Councillor Terry Henderson and 6 members of the public.

Chair Brian Frith began by announcing that he had received the resignation, with immediate effect, of Parish Council Clerk, Sarah Berwick, a few days before the meeting. Reports were received from no less than 15 village groups and organisations, revealing a wide variety of activities, events and initiatives taking place in our community.

Parish Council Meeting of 18th April 2013

Written by Brian Frith.

Present at the meeting held on 18th April were Councillors Brian Frith, Beverley Humphreys, Terry Henderson, Claire Jordan, Jackie Bowers, Gillian Barnes, David Peacock, clerk Sarah Berwick, County Councillor Bev Spratt (first part of meeting) and seven members of the public.

Mr Neville Chapman: It was with sadness that the Council acknowledged the death of Mr Chapman on April 2nd. Mr Chapman joined the Parish Council in 1955 and served until 2007 during which time he worked tirelessly to serve residents of Forncett. Beverley Humphreys would represent the Parish Council at the funeral. Brian had sent a condolence card to his widow and family on behalf of the Council. 

Parish Council Meeting of 21st March 2013

Written by Sarah Berwick / Brian Frith.


Present at the meeting held on 21st March were Councillors Brian Frith, Beverley Humphreys, Terry Henderson, Claire Jordan, Jackie Bowers, Gillian Barnes, clerk Sarah Berwick, County Councillor Bev Spratt and five members of the public. Apologies were received from David Peacock.


Several planning applications were considered:

Parish Council Meeting of 21st February 2013

Written by Sarah Berwick / Brian Frith.

Present at the meeting in the Village Hall on 21st February were Brian Frith (Chair), Bev Humphreys (vice-Chair), Councillors Jackie Bowers, Terry Henderson, Claire Jordan, David Peacock and Parish Clerk Sarah Berwick. Also present were County Councillor Bev Spratt (until about 8 pm) and five members of the public. Apologies were received from Councillor Gilly Barnes, District Councillor Bob McClenning and Karen Darrell (Chair of Tacolneston Parish Council

Millbank and Fourways Planning applications

Written by Brian Frith.

Planning applications at 'Millbank' and 'Fourways', Forncett End - Opposite 'The Jolly Farmers'.


At the meeting of the South Norfolk Planning Committee on 27th March, application 2012/1615 (for the building of three houses on the site of 'Fourways' bungalow) was approved with conditions.  It is expected that there will be a condition relating to the 'boundary treatment' on the corner of Long Stratton Road / Norwich Road, after concerns were expressed that loss of clear view of traffic would result from the application as submitted.

Original Article

Many residents will be aware that there have been several planning applications for the development of this site.  This article is an attempt to explain, in a purely factual way, what has happened and what is being proposed.

The whole area is within the 'Development Boundary / Settlement Boundary' of Forncett.  Bentley Road forms the 'boundary' between Forncett and Tacolneston.

The site has been unoccupied for some time, and over the winter of 2011/12 there was considerable clearance of trees before the whole site was divided by fence into three areas.  One is basically the area of the former 'vegetable garden' with frontage onto Bentley Road.  The second is the area around 'Fourways', the bungalow and former shop, with access to Long Stratton Road. The third is the area around 'Millbank' (the white house) with access onto both Norwich Road and Bentley Road.

Parish Council Meeting of 17 January 2013

Written by Sarah Berwick.

Present at the meeting on a snowy evening on 17th January were Councillors Brian Frith, Beverley Humphreys, Terry Henderson, Claire Jordan, clerk Sarah Berwick, County Councillor Bev Spratt and two members of the public. Apologies were received from Jackie Bowers, Gillian Barnes and District Councillor Bob McClenning.

A resident queried the loan the parish council was going to take out for improvements at the village hall outside area a few years ago as the precept was raised by £3000 to allow for the repayments yet nothing has happened at the village hall. Unfortunately due to delays in granting the permission for de-registering the old allotment land by the Department of Communities and Local Government the loan was not required in 2011/12 however the re-siting of the recycling area was undertaken along with other works at the hall. Aware that the village hall was still intending to carry out the alterations the £3000 added to the precept was left for 2012/13 and this amount is being held by the parish council for the village hall in reserves, therefore reducing the amount of loan required once the village hall is ready to undertake the work. This amount has been left in the budget again for 2013/14 pending an anticipated request for financial assistance in the near future.

Norfolk County Council has confirmed that the footway from Bentley Road to the B1113 is to be reconstructed and has been scheduled in the programme of works for 10th June, the work will take five weeks to complete. Cllr Spratt was thanked for his help in getting this work undertaken.

A meeting with Westcotec to consider a flashing speed sign on Mill Road is to be arranged. This would be funded half by Norfolk County Council and half by the parish council.

If you notice a road defect, please report it to Norfolk County Council via their web site or call them on 0344 800 8020

This is a report of the meeting: the full draft minutes are available for download by clicking on 'Parish Council' in the main menu and selecting 'Minutes 2013', or click here to open the file.

The next meeting is on 21st February in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome.

A message from Brian Frith, Chair of Forncett Parish Council

Written by Brian Frith.

Come along and see what goes on! The Parish Council meetings usually last just over an hour. The date of the next meeting (with agenda when published a few days before the meeting) is listed here on the web site. We usually have four or five members of the public present, but there’s room for (and we would welcome) many more!

At the AGM of Forncett Parish Council I was elected Chairman, following Bev Humphrey’s decision to step down from the post after several years.  I am delighted to say that Bev has accepted the role of Vice-Chair and I (and the rest of the Council) will be able to continue to benefit from his vast knowledge and experience of Forncett matters.  The Council were unanimous in supporting a vote of thanks to Bev for his work as Chair during what have sometimes been challenging times for the Council in recent years.